Monday, April 28, 2008

Southern Cal Beach Fun

Way back in the beginning of March we went to Southern California. Here are some pictures from our trip. These are the beach pictures. Next post will be of the zoo!


Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Oh, I LOVE the photos! You are an amazing photographer. I wish I knew more!
Thanks for the advice. I understand being excited about sharing what you know (I do the same with swim lessons). I had the no breast milk scare about a month or so ago. Freaked me out! Good to know what to expect. Right now, they're extremely full in the AM but I figured they would level out sooner or later as we get into a pattern.
By the way, your girls are gorgeous!

The Saunders said...

Wow these are really beautiful. Not to mention how beautiful gracie is!


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