Thursday, May 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

A Christmas post you ask? I like to plan ahead. If you spend the holidays with us I wanted you to clear your schedule. Since you will be traveling to my house this year. I am putting my foot down. I want family here. There are a few catches though- You will need to stay at a hotel- our only spare room will be taken most likely. I will not be cooking, so plan on bringing a turkey or ham or whatever. You will probably be put to work washing laundry and such. I will probably be very crabby too. The house will be very loud and lots of things going on. What WILL I be doing you ask??

Isn't it obvious?? I will be on the couch with my feet up BEGGING the little person inside me to come out!

Surprise! Pera baby number 3 on the way! Due December 31! Itwill be interesting to see who responds to this. I have a feeling my mom is the only one who checks! Love to you all. Oh yeah- fun picks too:


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