Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gay-ce Dn Pa-ya!

Hello Hello! What have we been up to you ask? Well in the last 24 hours: I made two turkeys, spent 6+ hours editing photo session, Gracie made 2 Thanksgiving crafts, Courtney managed to smear poop and then glue all over herself but also managed to use the potty 2 times without help (!), Steve has cleaned the garage (again) and finished 5 loads of laundry. Oh yeah- last Friday I decided to rip out the old kitchen floor while Steve was at work and with Tara's help, replace it! Why two turkeys you ask? For my church's outreach tomorrow! Why the wedding photo? I thought you might like it .
In other breaking news: My new photography site is almost up and running!!! Gracie can read small words, and Courtney is talking in full sentences, although a bit hard to understand! Yesterday she walked around the house saying "My name is Gracie Dawn Pera." Which sounded like this: "Mew nam its Gay-ce Dn Pa-ya!" Too cute. Last night over our meal of lamb Gracie asked: "Mummy, did some shooter man use a gun and dead this lamb?" My answer? "Yep." It's a cruel cruel world out there people...


Anonymous said...
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Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Thanks for the compliment and advice. I'm enjoying practicing my photography. I actually do a lot of graphic editing with Photoshop so I'm planning on creating my announcements with that. I will let you know if I want help printing. Right now, I'm using Shutterfly. I look forward to seeing more pics of your cute kids soon. :) I've been missing the frequent updates. Thanks again.

The Smith Family said...

Hey there! So good to hear from you. Everytime we go to Tahoe I think about you when I see the signs to Jackson. We need to find a time to get together soon. If you are ever here during the week you would get a kick out of visiting my classroom. I am teaching AP English and so I teach so much of what we were studying @ Masters.


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